Oral presentations
We invite you to prepare a 12-minute oral presentation, which will be followed by a 3-minute slot for discussion (broadly equating to ~12 slides at 1 minute per slide).
All presentations will be camera recorded in Maastricht and will be made available after the congress in the Congress on-demand platform.
Please bring a copy of the presentation with you to the congress centre and upload your presentation in the speaker service centre. Please note that you will NOT be able to use your own laptop computer. File formats must be compatible with PowerPoint. Please prepare your presentation in Powerpoint format 16:9.
Abstracts selected for an oral presentation will be published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, except those submitted to ESVCP, which will be published in the JVCP. All abstracts will be published in the 2024 online proceedings of the ECVIM-CA congress as well as on www.vin.com
Presenters of abstracts (oral and poster) must register for the entire congress and be present in person during the congress in Maastricht.
Please inform us as soon as possible if, after your abstract is accepted, you cannot attend the congress.
Oral and or poster presenters who do not attend the congress live in Maastricht (and do not inform us that they cannot attend) will not be allowed either to submit an abstract or to attend congress the following year. Further, the abstract will be withdrawn from the online proceedings, and will not be published in the respective scientific journal.