
Souza Vasconcellos, Ricardo

I'm originally from São José dos Campos, a town located at Southeastern of Brazil, and in 1996 I moved to Viçosa, Brazil to study at the Veterinary School. The following steps were important for me to pursue a career as a pet nutritionist:
- Veterinary Medicine, 2000, Federal University from Viçosa, Brazil (UFV)
- Residency in small animals clinic and surgery, 2002, Federal University from Viçosa, Brazil (UFV)
- M.S., 2004, State University of São Paulo, Brazil (FCAV/UNESP)
- PhD, 2008, State University of São Paulo, Brazil (FCAV/UNESP)
- Veterinary nutritionist, 2007-2008, BRF S.A. in the Pet food R&D department.
- Associate professor since 2012 at the State University of Maringá, in the Animal Science Department.
The main goals of my research are 1) factors related to the quality of animal by-products for pet food; 2) environmental contribution of ingredients in the Pet food formulation; 3) oxidative stability of pet food and ingredients; 4) evaluation and development of ingredients for pet foods.