
Rishniw, Mark

Mark graduated from Melbourne University in 1987 and went into practice in Melbourne, Australia. After 4 years in practice, he started, and completed a residency in Internal Medicine at Washington State University. He then completed a residency in cardiology at UC Davis, and was subsequently board certified in both specialties. After a year as registrar at Melbourne University, he joined the cardiology service at Cornell University in 1997. Three years later, he embarked on a PhD, and emerged with diploma in hand 9 years later. During this time, he joined the Veterinary Information Network (VIN), where he currently works as a consultant in cardiology and coordinates clinical research projects. He is also an adjunct professor at Cornell University, assisting with teaching and clinical research.
Mark has co-authored 235 peer-reviewed publications on a variety of topics ranging from statistical analyses of heartworm disease to delusional parasitosis. He has a particular interest in cardiac mensuration, especially of the left atrium. Mark regularly speaks at international meetings and has been an invited speaker at several meetings on cardiac issues.